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Guitar Lessons

Guitar Lessons Students in Edmonton, Calgary, Metro Vancouver, and Across Canada

Online Courses

Expand Your Musical Potential With Online Guitar Classes

Looking for a rewarding hobby that expands the mind and provides learners of all ages with ample academic and personal benefits? Guitar lessons are a great way to explore your musicality, increase academic performance, and safeguard your mind later in life. Musicworks Canada offers affordable, easily accessible online and in-person guitar lessons that pair students with experienced instructors who tailor each lesson exactly to their needs. From beginners to advanced musicians looking to take their skills to the next level, our instructors are here to help you open the door to new learning opportunities online with classes tailored to your needs.

Online Instruction: Learn at Your Pace, Your Way

Life is on the go, and it’s not always easy for many students to commit to a dedicated in-person lesson schedule. Online guitar lessons are the perfect first for those looking for a convenient and accessible way to learn and can be conducted from any location with the right equipment. Whether you’re an adult looking to squeeze in lessons in your downtime, or a parent looking to keep your child’s mind actively growing and fulfilled, online lessons are great for everyone! Musicworks Canada’s lesson plans are tailored to each student’s specific needs and objectives, and our instructors share a deep passion for helping learners realize and hone their potential, no matter what their starting point may be. Best of all, our online classroom are designed to provide the same style and quality of instruction you’d receive in person, so you’re never missing out!

Benefits of Online Guitar Lessons Include:

Learning the guitar online comes with plenty of benefits, including:


No need to commute! Online lessons come right to you and give you the flexibility of scheduling lessons at a time that works best for you.


online lessons often cost less than in-person lessons.

Access to top-tier instructors

No barriers to top talent here! Online lessons give you easy access to some of Canada’s most talented and experienced vocal coaches.

Personalized lesson plans

Everyone learns in a unique way, and our lesson plans are created with YOU in mind.

Can I move to in-person classes or supplement with online classes (in addition to in-studio instruction)?

Yes! Our personalized instruction plans make it easy for students to transition as necessary in accordance with minimal disruption to their learning or progress!

For those in need of instrument rentals or purchases, we offer several models at varying price points.

Why Choose Musicworks Canada?

With over 40 years of experience and multiple locations across Canada, Musicworks knows how important and rewarding lifelong learning is. We’re proud to help students of all ages learn guitar and hone new skills with the support and confidence they deserve.

Musical Instruction

To online/in-person vocal lessons, we also offer:






Brass & Woodwind Instruments

Academic Tutoring

To online/in-person vocal lessons, we also offer:

English/Multiple second languages



Coding, and more

Contact Us Today

Ready to learn the guitar? Discover our online and in-person guitar lessons, and learn more about our tutoring services by contacting our team today!

Begin your journey to creativity and lifelong learning.

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Sprix Courses

Combining Creativity with Technology

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Summer Camps

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Proin erat nibh, placerat non vehicula at, auctor lacinia mi

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