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Strum into Summer With Musicworks Canada Summer Camps and Guitar Repair

At Musicworks Canada, we’re proud to partner with eager learners from all backgrounds to help you uncover your inner musician, boost your academic performance, and enrich your daily life. With summer just around the corner, we’re excited to highlight that, in addition to online and in-person guitar lessons suitable for players of all levels, we also offer summer camps to help you stay on top of your skills (or learn something new)!

If you or your child have been considering guitar lessons, either during summer or at the start of the new school year, it’s worth taking a moment to assess the condition of your instrument. Time can take a toll on guitars, and changing seasonal conditions can cause damage that may make playing difficult. To ensure our students are able to play as effectively as possible, Musicworks offers comprehensive repair (as well as retail and rental) services at each of our 25+ locations across Canada.

Below, we’ll discuss some of the top signs a guitar needs repair prior to taking lessons. Read on to learn more!

Common Culprits for Guitar Damage

Many different factors can contribute to guitar damage. While some are more avoidable than others, knowing what to protect against is key when it comes to extending the life of your instrument and making sure it plays as perfectly as possible.

Common causes of damage to guitars include:

Humidity and Ambient Temperature

Temperature and humidity are two of the biggest sources of damage to guitars (as well as wood-based instruments in general). Seasonal fluctuations between heat and cold can wreak havoc and cause glue bindings to soften (heat), or lead to cracks, weakened glue joints and more (cold).

Extreme humidity and dryness can also cause serious issues for instruments, so it is important to invest in proper cases and storage areas to avoid advanced wear and tear. For example, those in dry climates may want to run a humidifier in the room with their guitar from time to time, and those in wetter coastal climates may want to decrease humidity by placing silica gel or bamboo charcoal packs in their guitar case and changing them when necessary.

Improper Storage

Proper storage helps to avoid damage in transit, protects against bumps and falls, and avoids warping or cracks from gear shifting over time. Storage is an important part of keeping your instruments safe, and guitars should be packed away with care whether you play daily or are an occasional enthusiast.

Poor Handling

Finally, even the best cases can’t prevent damage caused by poor handling habits. Drops, playing with bad form and neglecting regular maintenance cause significant stress to instruments and often lead to serious, expensive issues. Always handle your guitar as carefully as possible!

Signs Of Damage

If you haven’t played for a while, it can be tricky to spot certain damage indicators. Key signs to look for include: – Inaccurate intonation- Buzzing strings – Rising or bulging bridges (Note: this is a serious issue that should be seen by a professional immediately for repair)- Bowed or straight neck issues- Unstable tuning- Visible structural damage or cracks, and more. Should you notice any of these issues, book in with a repair specialist like the team at Musicworks right away to take a closer look at the root of your problems and find the best maintenance or restoration solution for your specific needs.

Make the Most of Summer with Musicworks Canada Summer Camps!

Don’t miss your chance to make the most of your child’s summer break with personally rewarding summer camps designed to fuel the brain, increase musical skills, and provide the opportunity for camaraderie with peers. Students are given the opportunity to explore their favourite music in interactive lessons and can pair their musical knowledge with additional support for math studies, coding, and more! Available at each of our locations, Musicworks’ summer camps are a great way to expand the mind and have plenty of fun!

Learn more about summer camps here.

Need a guitar repair before you take lessons? Contact our team today

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