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Fuel Your Creative Muse and Discover the Benefits of Adult Guitar Lessons!

Are you looking for a fun and fulfilling way to expand your skills this year? While the prospect of learning a new instrument as an adult can sometimes feel daunting, the happy reality is that doing so can be easier than you think and brings plenty of benefits for beginners of all ages! Guitar lessons are a fun way to keep your brain active, explore your love of music, and gain some essential skills that help you in all areas of life.

At Musicworks Canada, we’re passionate about helping learners from all walks of life, ages, and experience levels pick up new instruments and understand musical theory to enrich their personal development and fulfilment. Below, we’ll look at just a few of the many benefits of adult guitar lessons. Read on to learn more!

Give Yourself a Cognitive Boost

Learning to play the guitar, or any tactile instrument for that matter, is a cognitive workout for our brains. Numerous studies highlight the benefits of musicality later in life, including better memory (and a lowered chance of dementia), increased attention capacity, and faster information processing. (source) The act of reading music, deciphering chords, and coordinating your hands simultaneously engages several different parts of the brain, fostering neural connection and a more adaptive mindset that serves players well in all avenues of life, especially as we age and cognition tends to become slower in our advanced years.

Stress Relief and Relaxation

There is a reason music is one of the most widely turned to forms of therapy, both from a clinical and personal perspective. Music triggers the release of dopamine, helps to relax our nervous system, and allows for a healthy form of emotional release during stressful periods, giving players and listeners alike relief and contentment when it matters most.

From a playing perspective, the physical act of strumming and picking can be quite therapeutic and allow your mind to focus on a single activity instead of all the chaos of our day-to-day…how’s that for a pick-me-up?!

Creative Outlet

Humans are made to create and connect with our environment, and playing the guitar is an excellent way to do both. Guitar lessons give players a positive conduit to express themselves, learn something new, experiment, and engage with the world around them in a new, exciting way. Creativity allows you to feel accomplished and transfer your new way of thinking to various other facets of your life, allowing for a better mindset as a whole.

Social Connection

Just as we’re made to create, as we mentioned above, connection is an important part of the human experience and personal growth. Music serves as a bridge between so many different parts of our lives and often becomes associated with some of our fondest memories with friends and family. Guitar lessons, whether online or in person, encourage happy social connections that build confidence and community.

Dexterity and Coordination

Playing the guitar requires engaging and refining fine motor skills, eye coordination, and finger strength. This can be a particularly beneficial workout for adults for both the hands and mind. Practicing chords and scales over and over again encourages the development of muscle memory and dexterity, which, over time, also increases hand-eye coordination.

Lifelong Learning

Learning the guitar, or any instrument, later in life can be reaffirming for students, and discredits the misconception that “only children can learn new skills”. Learning is a lifelong process, and tackling a new instrument (or brushing up on forgotten talents) is a great way to keep your mind open and vibrant at any age.

Guitar Lessons with Musicworks Canada

At Musicworks Canada, we believe that learning is a rewarding process at every age. We’re proud to partner with learners from all walks of life to encourage your personal growth and give you the skills you need to explore your musical journey in a new, exciting way. With 20+ locations across Western Canada and a talented team of instructors ready to offer in-house or online guitar lessons for students of all experience levels. We also offer extensive tutoring for math, English, multiple languages, coding and more, all designed to enrich your life and help you grow!

Learn more about our music lessons here, or by contacting our team today!

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