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Discover the Convenience (and Fun!) of Online Music Lessons with Musicworks Canada

As another school year gets underway and Canadians settle into a new routine, children and adults might find themselves looking for another fun activity to pursue in their free time. Music lessons are an incredible way to enhance your personal skills, as well as boost your academic performance. If you’ve been considering learning the piano, guitar, drums, or even taking vocal lessons but find yourself worrying about whether or not you can fit classes into an already busy schedule (we get it! Life moves fast!), online lessons are the perfect fit that gives you the convenience and flexibility you need to pursue your passion!

At Musicworks Canada, we’re proud to offer online music lessons that give students the ability to learn at their own pace, as well as from the comfort and convenience of their own space.

If you’ve been considering online lessons but aren’t too sure about the benefits or what you’ll need to succeed, below is your quick guide to the world of online learning, as well as the benefits of music lessons with Musicworks Canada. Read on to learn more!

What Are the Perks of Online Music Lessons

There are many perks to online instruction, including:

Convenience and Flexibility

The most obvious benefit of online lessons is that they remove the need to commute too and from a specific location. While many love being in the classroom and Musicworks offers over 25+ locations to choose from, we also recognize that commuting isn’t always possible for families or busy professionals with lots on the go. Online instruction meets you where you’re at and fits seamlessly into your day with minimal inconvenience. This also means that, even if you aretaking in-person classes, you can adapt your teaching format should you need to travel or need extra flexibility from time to time. How easy is that?!

Access to Quality Instructors

Some may worry that online lessons compromise in quality where instruction is concerned. While this can be the case if you use a less trusted platform like apps, YouTube, or less customizable solutions that are meant to be a “general” introductory course with minimal instructor-student interaction. At Musicworks Canada, we ensure our online platform gives students access to the same quality of instruction they receive in-house, and that our curriculum is tailored directly to the needs, skills, and objectives of each of our students. Whether you’re wanting to focus on classical piano, learn how to play jazz and blues, or become Canada’s next pop star, our instructors are here to help!

Record and Review

One of the lesser thought of perks of online lessons is that you gain the unique ability to record and review your lessons, as well as engage with a vibrant online hub of resources to further your learning journey. This allows students to see their playing from a new perspective, focus on areas of improvement, and see their growth like never before!

What Do You Need For Online Lessons

Online lessons are meant to be as accessible as possible, but in order to succeed, there are a few things you’ll need to have in place, including:

Reliable Internet Connection

A stable and high-speed internet connection is important for online music lessons. The strength of your connection will directly influence how effective your video/audio transmission are, and this means you’ll either want to try and use a wired connection (where possible) or stay closer to your router if using Wifi. Those in particularly remote locations may want to look into wifi signal boosters as well to make sure they have the strongest connection possible.

Device with Camera and Microphone

One of the core components of music lessons is the instructors ability to see and hear students as they perform in real time. To facilitate this, you will need a device with a quality camera and microphone, which can typically be found on most modern computers and tables. You’ll also want to set up in a quiet space with minimal distractions and reverberations to ensure that you have the best sound quality and experience throughout your whole lesson.  We also recommend using headphones and a background cancelling microphone for that reason as well.

Instrument and Necessary Accessories

It goes without saying that you’ll also need to have your trusty instrument (even if that’s your vocal cords!) as well as any necessary accessories you need instruction. For optimal experience have your space set up ahead of time, keep your instrument tuned and ready to go, and login in a few minutes early to give yourself time to settle in.

Need to rent or buy an instrument so you can practice and learn at home? We have you covered! View our retail options here!

Learn Online with Musicworks Today!

In addition to online music education for guitar, piano, vocals and more. Musicworks is proud to  also offer online academic tutelage for Math, English (and multiple other languages!), science and more. With 25+ locations across Western Canada, Musicworks Canada is here to help you explore you full potential with flexibility and convenience. Learn more by contacting our team today!

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